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Working for the Future

Blog 11/3/09 Topic: Sustainability

In times of increasingly present environmental issues it can be easy, as a company, to be seen as jumping on the “environmental bandwagon” when practicing or promoting environmentally friendly behavior.  The truth of the matter is there are many companies doing just that and it is our responsibility as consumers and producers to be aware of it.  Sustainable practices are something that has been a fundamental part of Castoro Cellars since the beginning and it has been a long and challenging effort.  It is never easy to know what the best option is and what impacts different practices will have.  A big part of what we have done at Castoro Cellars is trial and error along with constant observation.  There is no right answer or golden ticket to sustainability; it is truly an ongoing effort that requires a lot of dedication and patience.  We have been growing vineyards organically at Castoro for quite sometime and like anything else there have always been struggles and challenges we have had to overcome.  Is it more sustainable to grow a vineyard organically if it requires more tractor trips through the vines?  These are the kinds of issues we face on a daily basis and with time we monitor and observe our impacts and from there we are able to make what we feel is the best decision for Castoro Cellars and our close business partner, Mother Earth.

Co-founders Niels and Bimmer Udsen, didn’t start adopting sustainable practices because they saw it as a marketing ploy, they did it because the great outdoors and having a strong connection to nature has always been an important part of their lives.  I can vouch for this as their son and someone who has been inspired to live a similar lifestyle in regards to the surrounding environment.  Attempting to be sustainable is something that should come from desire and not because everyone else is doing it.  Niels and Bimmer have that desire and because of it have been working to lessen the impact Castoro Cellars has on the planet for over 25 years