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Grapes are Trickling in . . . Finally!

As I mentioned in the last blog, due to a cooler than usual summer, we have been hit with a later than usual harvest.  Fortunately, harvest is now underway and as long as we can avoid early frost and rain, we should be looking at a great vintage.  Although harvest is underway we still have a long way to go.  So far we have seen a few early varietals trickling in, such as Muscat Canelli and Sauvignon Blanc and later this week we should be seeing some Chardonnay and more Sauvignon Blanc from our Dos Vinas vineyard.  Luckily, it looks like we will be having a warming trend at the end of this week that will hopefully continue through the weekend, and as I mentioned in my previous blog, sunshine fuels the ripening process!

In the meantime, as we wait for the grapes to ripen, we are spending a lot of time cleaning up the winery, bottling, and moving around wine to create tank space for the eventual harvest madness.  One advantage to a later harvest is having more time to prepare for the arrival of the grapes.  This year we anticipate getting most of our grapes in a short period of time, resulting in a very busy but shorter harvest season.  Having time to prepare for harvest is very beneficial because once the grapes come in it can be quite hectic on the cellar floor and taking care of smaller tasks and repairs becomes much more difficult.  At this point we are well prepared for the harvest and we are very excited for more grapes to come in.  In the meantime we are keeping our fingers crossed for some nice warm weather!!

